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Colours of Moldavite

The colour of Moldavite ranges from pale green to brown. The shade of green to brown can be visible on thin parts of the Moldavite or by holding it up so natural light shines through.

Colour Spectrum of Moldavite

What minerals/metals influence the colour of Moldavite?

Moldavite is a fusion of extraterrestrial material and Earth’s minerals, metals and chemicals. The colour of Moldavite has been influenced by what it has fused with and there are 3 main minerals/metals which impact the colour.

Iron Oxide (Fe 2 and Fe 3) -higher iron oxide changes the colour from light green all the way to brown
Manganese (Mn 2)-higher manganese changes the colour from light green all the way to brown
Higher nickle (Ni) and Potassium oxide (K2O)-lead to the creation of the popular poisonous green Moldavite

Other main factors:

Thickness of Moldavite: Thicker Moldavite usually looks darker and is sometimes black in colour when it is too opaque for light to shine through. Thinner Moldavite is usually lighter in colour.
Inclusions inside Moldavite: Moldavite can sometimes have other minerals in them which do not allow light to shine through and influence the colour
Surface inclusions: Moldavite may have an external coating of clay or minerals which change the colour. The most famous and beautiful of these are Moldavite from Brusna nicknamed snowflakes for their white frosted appearance
Lighting: The lighting can affect the colour of Moldavite. If there is more light shining through the Moldavite it will appear a lighter shade of green. For thin pieces of Moldavite if there is a finger/hand blocking the light from behind when the picture is being taken it can change the appearance. Most professional sellers will keep a consistent level of lighting from the front and offer a back light picture so you can easily see the differences in colour.

Examples of Moldavite colours

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Where is Moldavite found?

Contrary to popular belief, Moldavite is found in four countries. The impact resulting in the Ries crater flung Moldavite several hundreds of kilometers through the air between 200 to 485km.

Moldavite has been found in these countries:

  1. The South Bohemia and West Bohemia region in the Czech Republic,
  2. The Lusatian region in Germany
  3. In northern Austria
  4. As far as southwestern Poland

However the main deposits of Moldavite exist in South Bohemia in the Czech Republic where more than 99% of the Moldavite is found!

Picture Source: Materials (1996-1944), Apr2014, Vol. 7 Issue 4, p3319-3336, 18p

Within South Bohemia, Czech Republic, there are numerous fields where Moldavite is found including Brusná, Dolní Chrášťany, Jankov, Kvítkovice, Habří, Lipí, Slavče (near České Budějovice), Vrábče (the locality of Nová Hospoda), Bukovec, Krasejovka, Besednice, Slavče (near Trhové Sviny), Záluží, Žitná, Třebanice, Lhenice, Koroseky, Vrábče, Záhorčice, Holkov, Ločenice, Chlum nad Malší, Nesměň, Dobrkovská Lhotka and Zatáčka (near the village of Dobrkovská Lhotka). There are many other fields named after the local town or area that the Moldavite was found in.

Many of these fields were mined out decades ago and have been restored to their pre mining appearance. Moldavite usually occur in gravels and soils, and are known in clay only from three localities (České Budějovice, Besednice and Třebon). The sand, soil and clay are easily removable by washing in water.

Examples of Moldavite from each country

Czech Republic

Moldavite from South Bohemia, Czech Republic


In Lusatia within Germany, Moldavite has been found since 1967 with several hundred pieces discovered.


In the Horn area within Austria, smaller amounts of Moldavite have been since early 1900 with under one hundred pieces discovered.

Vltavín - Rakousko


In the southwestern area of Poland, small amounts of Moldavite have been found in the Nowa Wieś Kącka sandpit near Wrocław. Additionally, newer localities in Poland in the Gozdnica sandpit (400km from Ries Impact Crater and 7km from Germany) and the Mielęcin site (2.5 km east from the North Stanisław sandpit where the first Polish Moldavites were found). Photo of Polish Moldavite from article ‘A new discovery of parautochthonous moldavites in southwestern Poland, Central Europe’:

Is one location better than others?

There is no country which has better Moldavite and there were no country borders when Moldavite landed 15 millions years ago. Some of the Moldavite found outside Czech Republic is sold at a higher cost because it is less common, although that does not make the Moldavite better quality or more unique in its appearance.

The most beautiful and expensive Moldavite is found within the Czech Republic. This is simply due to the fact that the majority of Moldavite has been located there and there is a higher possibility for more variation and uniqueness.

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Guide to Genuine and Fake Moldavite
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Simple Steps to Feel the Energy of Moldavite

Moldavite is known as one of the highest energy stones which includes crystals, minerals and tektites. It is one of the easiest stones to feel the energy of.

When feeling the energy here are a few simple tips

Step 1: Be patient with yourself as everyone has a different level of sensitivity. Take your time with the process.

Step 2: Remove all your expectations of what you should feel or compare yourself to what other people have experienced.

Step 3: Use your non-dominant hand, this is your receiving hand which is more sensitive when feeling energy. In contrast, your dominant hand is your giving hand. You can experiment between your two hands.

Step 4: Be in the present moment and have a clear mind. Don’t be thinking of other things that happened in the day or things you need to do, bring all of your attention back to the present moment and your body.

Step 5: Place the Moldavite in your receiving hand and notice any physical sensations or emotional feelings which come to you. Everyone has different level of sensitivity but it can be developed through meditation and a good diet helps.

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Guide to Genuine and Fake Moldavite
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