
Besednice Moldavite – Angel Chime 1.17g 32x16x2mm

Original price was: $179.50.Current price is: $161.55.

Weight: 1.17 grams

Dimensions: Approx 32x16x2mm

Locality: Besednice, Southern Bohemia, Czech Republic

Note: Every Besednice will come with a black or white floating display case. The colour is chosen at random.

Note: Price in Australian dollars

Out of stock

SKU: Mov-BAngl-019 Category:


Moldavite is a unique and rare form of Tektite that was created by a meteorite strike around 14.8 million years ago. These beautiful tektites are among the most rare minerals on this Earth. They have very high vibrational energy to enhance ones spiritual evolution. They are known as the stone of transformation for their ability to speed up ones inner transformation, growth and evolution.

Most Moldavites have minor common nicks of 1mm to 3mm in size associated with them from 15 million years of erosion, being in the ground and mining. Anything with larger dings or damage is clearly described.

Besednice Moldavite are a very rare locality of Moldavite famous for their spiky appearance. They are often nicknamed hedgehogs for their spikes and are one of the rarest and most sought after Moldavite for collections. The Besednice field was mined out a long time ago in the Czech Republic and only exist in old private collections. This small amount of Besednice were handpicked from an old collection for their more prominent spikes or for their rare angel chime feature. Some Besednice have natural holes which are an uncommon feature in Moldavite.

Angel Chime is rare feature found in only 1% of Moldavite. It is when a Moldavite makes a chiming sound when dropped or rubbed against glass or metal. It is important to be very gentle and careful when doing this the Moldavite can be damaged. The chiming sound can vary from a short high to low pitch ringing sound. Read more about Angel Chime Moldavite here


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