
Prophecy Stone – Prophecies and Spiritual Light – 157.95 grams 93x24x29mm

Original price was: $173.70.Current price is: $86.85.

Crystal: Prophecy Stone – The Stone of Prophecies and Spiritual Light

Locality: Sahara Desert, Egypt

Standard Quality: These stones include smoother shapes, stones with nicks or chips, repaired stones (e.g. using a high quality adhesive), or a fragment of a larger stone.

Note: Price in Australian dollars

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SKU: Prophecy-132 Category:


Prophecy Stone

Prophecy Stones are a very rare and unique stone from the Sahara Desert, Egypt. They are a pseudomorph which means the original material has been replaced by another mineral over a long period of time. The original shape and structure is from Marcasite and Pyrite, however it has morphed into Limonite and Hematite.

Prophecy Stones are a stone of prophecies and spiritual light. They are known as one of the most powerful stones for grounding spiritual light energy into the body, which is the act of bringing the light through one’s crown chakra down into the body.

The name comes from the man who discovered them as he experienced a prophetic vision when meditating with a Prophecy Stone. It is thought that some people who work with Prophecy Stones in meditation regularly may receive visions. They are high vibrational stones that may help one investigate diverging paths or probable futures.

They come in a variety of interesting shapes and surface textures from spiky to smooth. There may be small nicks on the surface from the extraction process.

When working with Prophecy Stones, you can use the affirmation: I ground the light of the universe into my body in the physical world, and open myself to guidance from the future stream of time.

Quality Descriptions

Top Quality: These are the highest quality stones in perfect condition (e.g. minimal tiny nicks to no damage). The shapes are usually more spiky and they are suitable for collections.

Standard Quality: These stones include less spiky shapes, stones with nicks or chips, a repaired stone (e.g. repaired using a high quality adhesive), or be a partial piece of a larger stone.