
Moldavite Small Power Bottle – Moldavite Regular Grade Chips (0.5 grams) with Diamond Quartz (6 grams)

Original price was: $50.00.Current price is: $47.50.

Item details

Item: Moldavite Small Power Bottle – Moldavite Regular Grade Chips (0.5 grams) with Diamond Quartz (6 grams) held in a cute and transportable glass bottle with a cork.

Selection of bottle: One bottle will be selected at random for you

Quality of Stones: This bottle contains Moldavite small regular grade chips with more chips/nicks and is a more affordable option. The Diamond Quartz is top grade.

Description: The combination of Diamond Quartz with Moldavite works to enhance the power and energy of Moldavite. These power bottles are perfect for keeping on your desk, in your personal space at home or work, carrying in a pouch with you, or for holding during meditation. The cork is removeable.

Weight: Approx 13.75 grams in total (Bottle with Moldavite and Diamond Quartz)

Size of Bottle: Approx 35x22x22mm.

Locality of Moldavite: Chlum, Southern Bohemia, Czech Republic.

Locality of Diamond Quartz: Balochistan, Pakistan.


Note: Price in Australian dollars

In stock

SKU: SBOT-MDQ-RegularChips-1 Category:



Moldavite is a unique and rare form of Tektite that was created by a meteorite strike around 14.8 million years ago. These beautiful tektites are among the most rare minerals on this Earth. They have very high vibrational energy to enhance ones spiritual evolution. They are known as the stone of transformation for their ability to speed up ones inner transformation, growth and evolution.

Most Moldavites have minor common nicks of 1mm to 3mm in size associated with them from 15 million years of erosion, being in the ground and mining. Anything with larger dings or damage is clearly described. Regular grade Moldavite is used which is a more affordable option with more chips/nicks compared to A-Grade Moldavite.


Diamond Quartz

Diamond Quartz is a variety of hard, double-terminated quartz crystals. The most well known diamond quartz mine is in Herkimer, New York, the diamond quartz found here are nicknamed “Herkimer Diamonds”. The brand name of Herkimer Diamonds means the price is around three to four times more than other diamond quartz of similar quality. For example, 10 grams of top quality Herkimers would sell for $140-160 USD compared to 10 grams another top quality diamond quartz for $30-50 USD. These diamond quartz sold here are the highest quality found in Balochistan, which is the largest province of Pakistan. You could nickname them “Balochistan Diamonds”. We have carefully chosen the highest quality crystals with the best clarity to sell. They are around 7.5 hardness on the Mohs hardness scale scale so harder than normal quartz varieties and are considered the most powerful of all quartz crystals.

The properties and energy of Balochistan Diamonds is the same as Herkimer Diamonds. They can work to enhance the energy of Moldavite and other crystals. Diamond quartz are a perfect match with Moldavite which brings more conscious awareness to the growth process.


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